June Clever Just Rolled Over In Her Grave…

Ladies we have something I like to call the Wonder Woman complex. You take care of many things and so many people. Sadly society has given you an unrealistic expectation that you must be perfect. You are expected to be June Clever. It is a lot of stress to live life that way. That reality does not really exist anymore. You are very busy and you have a lot of things that you have to take care of from day-to-day.

You are smart, empowered, busy, helpful, and caring. You have a lot more to do than cook and clean. You have a lot of responsibilities to manage. You are busy and play a lot of roles throughout your day.

I LOVE Wonder Woman. She is a great idol. She is strong, empowered, and she played many different roles. In her comic book she really struggled with all the roles that she played. She felt overwhelmed, confused, and lost. She wanted to quit being Wonder Woman. Eventually she broke. The morale of the story: even Wonder Woman has a hard time being Wonder Woman.

So my Wellness Tips for you this week are:

  • Take a break.

  • Forgive yourself.

  • Let go of things.

  • Relax.

  • Take a longer dinner.

  • Play rather than focusing on things on your To-Do list.

  • Missing a commitment or a thing on your To-Do List will not cause the world to end.

  • You don’t have to do it all.

I hope you are finding time to take a break and take some time for you. You deserve it. If you want some help on finding time for you or learning to relax, give me a call. Let’s chat how about we may be able to help you.

Take care and see you next time. texomaspecialtycounseling.com


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