Everyday Wellness: The Power of Daily Self-Care

Everyday Wellness

Start Small: Incorporate Daily Self-Care Practices Into Your Routine Today


You may have heard of a self-care day: a day of rest, relaxation, and treating yourself. While these days are - I’m sure - wonderful and refreshing, how often do you have an entire day with no obligations? What if I told you practicing a bit of self-care every day could be just as beneficial (if not more beneficial) as a day full of self-care? Here are three reasons to incorporate wellness into your daily life.


Guest blog post by our student counselor, May Chinn

#1. Daily Wellness Is More Accessible

A recent study by Burnette (2023) found that self-care is often inaccessible to many people. Luckily, daily wellness activities are accessible to everyone! Take a mindful break from your work, eat a healthy snack, look away from your screens, or do some yoga (or all of the above!). Even just practicing self-compassion is an effective form of self-care (Nelson et al. 2017).

#2. Daily wellness is more sustainable

Daily wellness is not meant to be something to stress over! Strategies as simple as taking an intentional photo every day can relieve stress and increase coping and well-being (Dyer, 2023). Self-care does not need to be elaborate. Find what works for you. Sometimes self-care is pausing your tasks to stretch and then getting back to work

#3. Daily wellness is effective

Self-care has been shown to increase physical activity, spiritual growth, and stress management (Altun, 2008). Yoga, in particular, has been found to decrease depression, fatigue, anxiety, stress, and PTSD symptoms (Büssing et al., 2012). Thinking about trying out yoga, or just need a place to practice? Texoma Specialty Counseling and Wellness offers morning and evening yoga, as well as self-guided meditations throughout the day.

Visit our website: texomaspecialtycounseling.com

or stop by our office: 1800 Teague Dr. Suite 510 in Sherman, Texas.

May Chinn, Student Counselor

I see therapy as a place to make sense of your story. What experiences influence the way you show up in and interact with the world around you? As we discover the answers to this question and questions like it, you will have the opportunity to think deeply about how you want to show up in the world and how you want to interact with others. Therapy is the place that is all about you. Let’s get to know you!




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