7 Day FREE Self-Compassion Challenge

7 Day FREE Self-Compassion Challenge

The Self-Compassion Challenge:

Daily Practices for a Kinder Tomorrow

Self-Compassion literally means treating yourself with the same kindness and consideration and grace that you would show to someone else….

Self-Compassion involves:

  1. Kindness over judgment

  2. Accepting our unique and flawed and wonderful imperfect humanness

  3. Staying present and mindful vs anxious and fearful


Living Imperfectly:

Embracing Flaws and Finding Value

W.T.F? Does this mean for you? How the hell do you show yourself kindness when you screw up, or how do you accept mistakes when a lot is riding on the line….

I got you. This is literally what I do for living. Help people learn how to radically accept, love and care for themselves so they can:

  • break up with diet culture for good

  • Buy clothes that fit comfortably

  • Ask for what they need and support themselves with people to help them get those needs met

  • Manage overwhelming emotions without blowing up on others, or self

And the key every. Single. time. Self-compassion.

It is the foundation you need to help you can manage anxiety, accept fear and do the scary thing anyway, feel happier, feel more aligned and valued - and over 7-days I am going to share with you specific daily practices you can join me in to help you learn to be kinder to yourself. 

Every day (for 7 days - starting February 26) you will receive an email with some tips and tools to help you practice self-compassion EVERY DAY. This email will arrive around 7:00am every morning, but the great thing about this challenge is it is done at your own pace. Each email will contain daily action steps so you can PRACTICE showing yourself compassion every day. 

The more your practice self-compassion the “easier” it gets. Here is what you can expect to learn during the challenge!  

  1.  Setting up the expectation and commitment to self

  2. Affirmations for Self-Love and a guided meditation 

  3. Mindset Tools To Help You Stop All Criticism And Avoid Judgment through forgiveness and courage

  4.  Be Kind, Be Patient & Be Gentle With Yourself With these 3 small and FUN daily practices 

  5.  Show Love To Yourself Even When You Do Not Feel Loveable

  6.  Incorporating Play Into Yourself Self-Compassion Routine

  7. Lov(ing) Yourself Is a Verb 

Learn quick tools to help you learn to practice and care for yourself EVERY SINGLE DAY. And the best part about joining the challenge is that you know that me, my team, this community and YOU will all be practicing the same self-compassion tools together.

Think about all the ooeey-gooeey loving we will be generating for ourselves and each other…..there is something cool about a collective working together on something - so lets join together and collectively practice loving ourselves! 


Ready to Practice Kindness?

Join the Self-Compassion Challenge Now!


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