If You Diet, I Ain’t Mad At Ya!

Check out my latest YouTube video where I talk about dieting.

If You Diet, I Ain’t Mad At Ya!

We remain in New Years Resolution season with all the talk and pressure to diet and lose weight. Even though I am a health at every size, intuitive eating, non-diet eating disorder therapist, I don't hate or get angry with people that are dieting. I get it actually. I dieted for so long. I have tried them all. I get the pressure to want to lose weight, and I understand the goal to be healthy.

So if you are dieting, we cool! But...let me just have a few minutes of your time to tell you more about dieting and why I ditched the diets a long time ago.

Diets do not work.

OK so you may lose some weight initially, but did you know that 95% of people that diet gain back lost weight in 1-5 years so......yeah, diets don't really work in the long run. Plus diets cause you to doubt your body, doubt yourself, and ignore your body's natural cues for eating and taking care of itself. In today's video I talk about why I don't encourage dieting - how to find worth and value without dieting and weight loss - how to be healthy, without dieting and weight loss - and how to practice trusting your body to take care of you!

If you are ready to start trusting your body, appreciating your worth and your value, and to stop obsessing about food and your body, let's chat! email: Instagram: Facebook: treating eating disorders in Sherman, TX - and worldwide via video!


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